> cold war attitude of winning at any cost
This is the problem. Marx envisioned a world revolution. Which sorta happened after WW1 with all the commies everywhere. But they were so retarded (as most commies are) that they just made most people to be wary of communism as much as possible. When the still new USSR tried to do the "global revolution" tactic they realized (mostly after losing to the Finns... and that blunder made the Nazis underestimate the soviets as much as possible) that they need to take a "step back" and not end up like the "French revolution". This is when they started to become "diplomatically active" and kicked Trotsky&co out for his "at all costs attitude" (This mentality usually kills those who perpetuate it). Then because of WW2 Stalin had to take the people out from the gulags to send them to the frontline... Stalin was more akin to a "supertsar" and not a "communist" at this point. Stalin was glad he miraculously won ww2 and was busy keeping himself in power. This was the part when the KGB started to enforce "Stalinism" as the "proper communism". Everyone else is either an useful idiot or an obstacle. After the death of Stalin communism was not able to stay "centralized". Everyone made their "own flavor" of communism. The leaders after Stalin were sometimes supportive of the "ways of the west" then the next one denounced them as much as possible. Not to mention breaking up the colonialist powers with communism was a piece of cake.

The problem was never the "winning" part. It was the "cost". The soviets realized the cost is far greater than the victory price itself. Sadly they were lied to. When the west started to exploit the post-commie countries they realized that they were fucked over and they are going to get fucked over even harder if this keeps up. The NWO wants "communism" too. They literally went back to the strategies of the first wave of communism. That failed a century ago. Why would it work now? And they are trying to use it against an exKGB official? As if Putin doesn't see through these. 

But yeah the psychic research of the Soviets were always interesting. If they would properly integrate that into their system and not just put it into "one of their weird freak science projects that they keep in Siberia because they cannot comprehend it". Then maybe something could happen.
> what we were taught about history.
My relatives are always telling me what "changed" in history after the Soviets left. I usually talk a lot about the "current" history with my grandpa. He is always amazed that just how much thing are "available" compared to the soviet era.

What you wrote is not "Impossible". Which is important in "timeline manipulation". If there are traces of the things you want to do already then the changes are usually "meant to be". The problem is always "sloppy cover-ups". The
> it's like they wanted me to find out
kind of thing