> So, they can't abduct someone for long periods of time, but what about themselves? Can they fly on their ships as long as they want? Do they have no karma?
Greys have a lot of karma, but they're also all astral immortals (can't be forced into hell). That's why they were "tricked" by their own nerdery and autism to engineer themselves into sexless insectoids with gay mentality. They do not have permanent residence in the physical dimension after original Nibiru/Planet X was destroyed. Most of them stay on the astral, but some outliers use technology to manifest in our dimension. Those are the kind of greys who would sell spaceships to CIA or create Biden- and Clinton-bots. I have a contact with one of them. They're maybe best described as "deep state merchants". The first thing he did was to offer me 10000 twitter followers and a contract on corn syrup. And he was 100% serious. I can't be mad at them though, this group are like children, I feel like they are being used by CIA. The green little men are even worse in this sense. Their technology is superb but mentally they're like talking to a 10 year old boy, they don't have a grasp on the most basic things in life. Trying to make deals with them is risky if you're deep state, for this reason. That time a while ago when some large US airline had to cancel all their flights, was a "deal gone bad" with greys. Deep state operatives, retards as they are, attacked the greys, who responded by releasing an EMP which killed the electronics of that area and burned everyone in the proximity to crisps.