> Some people might lose some of their quirks
Now this is a real interesting topic. Some "faults" of us can give us "abilities". Entities commented how beautiful and advanced are my "mental patterns" and how great it is because they can "feed me information" constantly and naturally. 
I asked them about the other parts of my body... They told me
> those are completely busted we need to fix those first
I noticed it first back in university when I studied. I was aware how "bad posture ruins the back" so I always paid attention to have a straight back while studying. Then I noticed when I am "paying attention to my posture I am "not really focusing on studying". But when I had an absolutely abhorrent posture my focus and mental capacity increased. Didn't really think too much about it back then. Exams were more important than my wellbeing...

A month or so ago now that I am cultivating "passive awareness" so that I am "Noticing things" that I didn't "see before" without "looking".
I noticed that this "bad posture" increased the mental output of my mind. And because my energies constantly increase my mind is "running wild". Fixing the posture doesn't make me stupid. In actuality if I "fix" the flow I can use even more "mental faculties". 
Those "Quirks" will turn into proper "gifts" when they are fixed.
Also it's important to not "weaken" the faults but to "fix them". There is a difference between "suppressing karma" and "absolving it".

> deserve some sort of world ends party
Who do you think will "stay" "after the party" to "clean up". 
> small fortress entirely out of the corpses of npcs
This is how astra utilizes the zombie network tho.