Safety-pin here refers to the concept of politics and evil. I had a dream where past events were retold in the most abstract ways possible.

My sister opened the window and a small seed flew in. I picked it up and it stung my thumb. I realized it was some kind of cactus seed with small hairs to fly by the wind and a needle on the other end. I moved the window told my sister to not mess around, then opened the window to look. A whole bunch of seeds came in and landed on my desk, (all over my GENKI textbook) I told my sister to not touch them, because they were so sharp they'd probably scratch the surface. I'll handle them, I said.

This was about a type of being I've been working with recently. I had this idea that it would be possible to summon "pure evil" beings from the void safely by giving them a form which makes evil deeds impossible. Then they only have potential for evil but no ability, and they'd be able to refine that potential and maybe transform it. 

I came up with a method for this, and the night before this dream, I summoned a mass of them after seeing that this was successful. This even made me realize that the needle form is how "politics" looks on the astral. It is merely "hostility" and it's in conflict with "free market". This is what the Galactic Federation seeks to handle, by encasing all such activities inside a "communist" framework. The purpose is to protect the free market, but it's so rare that this is seen that to most it just appears like communism all over. The miner beast people and those trading in fuel, as well as slave and sex trade, seem to be the only actual free market areas that exist so far. Everything else falls down in political struggle.

That is why it's called safety-pin street, it's to render the hostilities shown as needles harmless.