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thumbnail of lolibooru 536484 american_flag_dress american_flag_legwear black_background multicoloured_clothes multicoloured_dress polka_dot_headwear simple_background.png
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> How many decent traditions are out there that don't send someone to hell for very small things and are "Gensokyo approved"?
I'm going to channel them for the following replies.

How many traditions are there which we accept aside from Shinto?
Two. Islam and Christian Ritual. On the question if yoga works as a ritual: no. It actually doesn't.
Those of you who applied it successfully aren't Indian race so you applied what's in your DNA, you interpreted yoga from within Christianity so when you did it right that is Christian Ritual. You may not be aware of it but your core thinking is still placing yoga (=union) within the framework of union with Christ/God, the cultural context of your race doesn't change from just reading a book. What about Satanism? Satan is a Christian concept, I think you understand what we are saying - Ritual does not concern itself with good or evil, only the "void" element matters here.

Empty rituals are ones performed with full attention on the procedure. A yoga program will have this standard when done with no thinking outside the bodily awareness, it can be achieved by excluding the Hindu context as you are doing when you try to learn it mindlessly as "meditation". Add the worship of Hindu deities and you are fucked, they aren't "void" based, sorry. We make the rules now.

Any thinking that contains bad qi can be picked on by evil spirits. But if this evil qi which gives them access to the person, is contained within an armour of void, then no one can touch the person. That is your loophole. It is also how this planet can ascend to 5D. 

That Galfed planet which has a slave market and a whore district, how did they ascend? Pure market socialist ritual, as we see it. They're "the worst" kind of idealist socialists, their whores are respected workers of the revolution and their slaves have more rights than any current Earth citizen. They are more principled than you can imagine and they arrest anyone who thinks differently. You're just being so extremely autistic here that you manage to not stray from their ideals so you can interact with them.