(cont. channelling)

Is this bad? Well what do you think will happen if you take 3D physical and emulate it in a 5D shell? It has to be some fucking strict thing to be up there among the bodhisattvas, don't you see? Normally you'd have to be enlightened there, planets ascending with their population is itself a massive abuse of loopholes.

But don't worry, we're keeping it safe and nice. Until the zombies are cleared up you won't see people physically disappear when doing something nasty, we'll just snatch their souls away as has already been done up to now during this process.

The difference is that those who are here now were checked vs the 5D standard and allowed to enter because they have the chance to behave. The spell used to measure them cast by one of you, used correctly a Christian purgatory principle and they passed that test so the planet could ascend. But free will exists. The "glowies" for example will have to stop working for their current "employer" (there's mostly no one there now, just shadows giving orders, they can disobey anytime if they want) or we'll snatch them away one by one. We already grilled a few this afternoon. 

Just pay attention, recruits to us will get tutoring, you can be sure there will be someone checking you 24/7 from now on so you don't think something nasty. Someone with strong magic can't be snatched away and it may not be in our interest either. But that doesn't mean someone won't mess with you if you go astray. We will do what we can to direct you so the really bad ones leave you alone.

Mind your thinking. This is all for the stability of the planet. One bad thought can be accepted if it only happens once. Two times is a pattern and can lead to the planet being demoted again. That is why anyone thinking a bad thing once, will be removed so they don't think it once more and risk the future of the planet.