thumbnail of lolibooru 513174 brown_dress brown_headwear clu_clu_land kazami_yuuka kirai_shouen looping_animation multiple_girls mystia_lorelei touhou_project wriggle_nightbug.mp4
thumbnail of lolibooru 513174 brown_dress brown_headwear clu_clu_land kazami_yuuka kirai_shouen looping_animation multiple_girls mystia_lorelei touhou_project wriggle_nightbug.mp4
lolibooru 513174... mp4
(8.93 KB, 512x512 h264)
> Can we have this armor then? Do we already have it?
Metaphorically speaking it is an armour, but it also functions like an armour. It is not a piece of clothing more than your mind has one. Encase your actions and your thoughts in ritual and they are encased in an "armour of void."

> Can I still meditate with Archangels? What about working with Angels/Demons?
Are they christian or islamic? Is your meditation a ritual?
> Guess I'll have to learn more about Shintoism.
Good idea.