The method you should always use is "bilocation". There does not seem to be any common methodology or theory for how or why this works, but I think the idea from quantum physics is decent enough: the concept that any particle could be connected to another particle somewhere else, where changes here effect changes over there. This imo is a particle layer, that of strings, and you are then connecting to a string, but the idea is out there.

I personally prefer the idea of induction as used in transformers. You may know of contactless charging of devices, where you park your car in a certain spot or place your shaving machine in a stand and they just charge with no metal connectors.

This is because the device contains one copper coil and the charger another, when placed in proximity of each others magnetic fields, an electric current is formed in the secondary coil despite no physical connection. This is how a transformer works.

If we compare "astral projection" to the "astral travel" I propose, it is a similar difference to using a wire connected directly to your device, or using a contactless charger. If we apply the theory of quantum particle relations, you could induce a current in a coil placed anywhere, not just in the direct proximity of the first coil.

This is a conceptual way of understanding how "astral travel" works where you can visit another location while not leaving your body. A wire can be cut and then you lose the connection. Using the direct connection of induction doesn't pose any danger, as an attack on either side would simply cause the induced form to collapse and you return to the body again. Your soul never left it, you merely projected your awareness. If you go into a deep enough trance, the body is asleep so you wouldn't be "disturbed" by physical sensations either, if you want to be picky about the experience.