thumbnail of lolibooru 542090 black_footwear blush_stickers collared_shirt frilled_shirt_collar frilled_skirt one-hour_drawing_challenge touhou_project white_bloomers white_legwear.jpg
thumbnail of lolibooru 542090 black_footwear blush_stickers collared_shirt frilled_shirt_collar frilled_skirt one-hour_drawing_challenge touhou_project white_bloomers white_legwear.jpg
lolibooru 542090... jpg
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> Can anyone confirm this or anything like this?
Not by any generally accepted science or objective method.

But I agree with the understanding overall. The pandemic was pre-planned by the NWO as another "cleanse" before their world government would come forward, but just like before it didn't work (WW1 was supposed to cleanse the world but it didn't work so they did WW2, but that also didn't work... you get the idea). They don't understand what they're doing and lack control, so someone did a metaphysical DDoS of their system and caused the virus to actually leak from the Chinese lab outside of their intent. That's why the vaxx was rushed and they panic locked down everything to the point of killing their own economy.

Timelines are being removed and people are dying but that is because they're simply rotten. Maintenance deities gather all bad people in the same timeline and then cut if off. Their negative influence is then removed and some people wake up when no longer under that effect.

The timelines being fucked up was caused by CERN in 2008 however, they broke reality and that is why we have Mandela effects since. It's just how the world is slowly being destroyed by human stupidity and evil, the gods are just handling the situation based on their principles.