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thumbnail of lolibooru 540673 alternate_breast_size black_shirt blonde_hair brown_dress brown_eyes bursting_breasts camp_of_hunger huge_breasts kurodani_yamame touhou_project.jpg
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Federation news

current developments, a channelling

With the Earth deity now in full 5D manifestation, everyone was given the chance to form their own inner Earth and those who didn't, now rely on her support. The federation now has the ability to assign funds for the direct space-wise defense of the planet, forming an "iron ring" around it. If you feel "oh no, not the federation", you can be happy that you now only have to deal with one pesky commie guiding your life, compared to 1000s of evil spirits trying to lure you down in degeneration. Yes, you have all been assigned a personal aide, the soul population is surprisingly low so we decided to handle it this way, given that all of the degenerates have been removed so no grouping was needed.


Some words on misunderstood terms:

What is communism vs capitalism? It should be read as capital-ism. It means the creation of capital. How is this performed? It is the capital of force, the creation of weapons. A capital-ist is a person who uses weapons to threaten others, forcing them to give up their assets. Capital-ism is the manifestation of Ego. It is evil in and of itself.

Communism is the understanding that natural resources are created by God and they belong to no one and everyone. The only true capital is that which naturally grows through the organic development of species, flora and fauna. Capital can not be created by humanoids, only gods can do this. Our task is to protect the capital because only within it, lies the possibility of future prosperity for all species.

When communism is imparted into a social system, capitalists, egoists, will object. They will understand things backwards and see us as evil and themselves as good. This always happens, which has lead to the creation of a methodology. We let the evil beings form a "communist party", then we let them kill each other. Those who rise to the top may be those who actually believe in our mission, and they will survive. The endgame of the creation of a communist party, is its complete destruction. With it, capitalism also dies. Then the planet can be united into one social system, where natural growth is protected.

National Socialism is also communism, it is not, as some think here, its opposite. The method is only slightly different. It is applied in situations where the population cannot be educated at all. It applies the removal of bad genetics directly, letting good genes be passed on and bad ones die. It is the understanding that education is not natural and will not create growth. This leads to an acceptance of capitalist corporations existing under the rule of a socialist government. It is called Social Darwinism here on Earth. Through the capitalist sectors of society, the bad genetics are removed by competition. The end goal is exactly the same, a unified planet and the protection of natural resources.

Last Note:

There are now 3 factors determining your life; your own mentality and karma, the Earth ruling deities (yokai) and the federation. If you want maximum freedom and prosperity, pay attention to all 3.