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thumbnail of lolibooru 569434 bright_pupils kazami_yuuka looking_at_viewer multiple_persona simple_background sleeveless_dress tohoyuukarin touhou_project white_background.jpg
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But how does this affect a vampire?
Yokai: Any previous body you had now counts as a slightly astralier body compared to the new human race. It's actually the opposite, but because we placed new humanity and the new dimension at a very slightly lower radiation level (to make it slightly less strict) you now "fall" into the physical 3D from your individual body, while if you meditate and stay perfectly still you retreat from the physical. This hasn't been done before.

> Can everyone now go without food for a thousand years?
Yokai: The trick is in what we explained above; if you meditate in perfect trance or harmony (zen) your body stops at the surface and you can stay that way for any amount of time. Instead of just making everyone live to 900 as the old Earth started off with, we made it adaptive. The more "zen" you are, the longer you live because you are attuning more with the eternal state. Go full retard into the physical and your life ends faster. Well... Normally, if you go full retard and throw yourself against a rock you die instantly, so there is a scale, you get it? The difference is that if you were to sit perfectly in lotus before, you would still die from not eating or from age. We removed that part. But you have to be "really fucking zen" to pull that off. But it's there. This is to make everyone naturally want to follow Shinto. The more "ritual" you are, the longer you live. This will be scientifically proven as time moves on.