> turns out I was synced with the "demon" hivemind all along
> but no one told me...
Yeah I only told it to "crybaby anon" I thought you are somewhat aware of it
 but yeah I can relate how it feels when you cannot sync up with the "Mind of your surroundings". I either sync up too perfectly and constantly finish the sentences of everyone or I am the weirdo that cannot fit in. Mental pattern syncs are truly a fascinating mechanisms.

> Yokai: They ate all the food and no one paid for it, so it went magnetocrupt.
First I thought VERY FUNNY YOU CHEEKY BASTARDS then something clicked... And now it makes perfect sense in my current evolving perspective. Wanted to /blog/ about it but my basis is the Greek creation myth and not the Egyptian one. Same thing but the perspective is different. Too many angles as you said.

> Isn't throwing your body against a rock a good way to get off that big 3rd rock
There was a dude once called Sisyphus. 

> Who?

> I don't know yet if I want to eat humans
You see Yokai see "food" a little "differently". Most humans are "cattle" for multiple entities because they either "can't grow their own food" or just "like the taste". When they said 
> They ate all the food and no one paid for it
it had a little deeper meaning... a way too deep one. Sadly I know what they meant. I was "here" when the "seeding of reality" started. So many things happened because as my guides said "things weren't thought out completely".

> See ya
I will write down my perspective of the "Nemesis/Rival karma path" later then. Or maybe not wanting an enemy that punches you or that you can punch till you reach enlightenment is silly don't you think? Not to mention the "slingshot into an another planet and break your (current) gravity and instantly embrace the new gravity of the other planet with a help of a benefactor way" Extremely tricky and this is what the "elites" "wanted".