> manipulating nerves and bodily functions
I'm aware this is a very meme thing to say and do and that it's also going to sound low on the credibility scale but making a young woman orgasm from simply locking her eyes and "pressing the button" in her brain is very easy if you actually get some practice with it. And I'm talking out of place situation, no touch, just to be clear. If you learn to just slightly press the right thing you can use this to get easy favours from women. Maybe this is just regular vampire trickery by now, but it also does work on the most dried up vampires or astral beings as well. The perfect pacifier for any situation. I'm pretty sure women must be doing some mild version of this to get men to obey them too.

> My great fear stems from the problem you described with setting things on fire
My neighbour's house almost caught fire because of this, it was 10 min away from this happening if I hadn't rushed over there to pour water on the resulting wildfire. So yeah.