Now then my minimal share of progress because so many things happened that I still have to figure out that I could write a short novel from it in one sitting.

My perception and the workings of the 0D particle is an ever evolving one. it's so hard to put into words because I didn't actually do the same things as others and combined it with an another findings of mine that I might share later. Now then the first state of Oh I'm in was when Vampires literally said I am in in a dream but tat is like a dream so not worth of mention. Now then the real result was that I placed the thing near my heart so it can power up/connect my chakras because activating my heart chakra was a real pain in the ass before it and after doing it it hurt like a bitch sometimes so I had to reactivate it (yeah emotional traumas and all I mostly healed them already an another long and personal tale everyone knows who did it in their journey) SO the particle powered up the hearth chakra not the muh feelz and emphatic abilities way that I tried to get rid of because fuck feeling the emotions of emotionally fucked up people who I cannot heal until I learn to heal myself properly BUT THE COOL WAY which is the emotional compass! which is an another intuition device in my arsenal! HAH it was the thing that I had to test alot it can sense things that are outside of my perception and give me advices in a yes/no hot/cold way. Helped me to avert some dangers and then it drove me into some because as I understand the best results are extremely subjective and fucking things up might help in some other things (I am still trying to figure out how long can it reach and what exactly the working mechanism and how much can it penetrate time and dimensions but it's a real nice inner guide even if confusing sometimes... Especially when it clashes with my mental intuition on opinions/ideas/methods but then it turns out it's not a clash but a misunderstanding from my part.) And now it evolved further energywise but I need to research it further because that part is just giving me more questions about how to utilize it properly. 

Also I went to the underworld because someone just died (not of corona of all things) and as we all know you don't actually visit someone but only parts of them but I encountered the one which had all the resentment towards me and vomited black smoke/muck on me I just wanted to shield myself with a fire barrier but the moment I tried that my shield appeared. it didn't look like a buckler so I was thinking it might be unrelated but then I realized the core is a giant gem shaped like a buckler it's just coated with gold to look like a large shield and to go with my astral armor better? it just a giant gem like thing in the inside with gold all around it to make it look like a shield (guess because in my perception bucklers are too small and not worthy or sg like how all wands appear as swords to me because I perceive swords as a tool of power and magic.