Use the black remote installer and you get the custom made version for us earthlings. Hence "black", it changes the base energy used from grey to black. We've discussed this and concluded that the standard for being grey is rather lenient. They don't easily fall into hell and their souls aren't destroyed either. But they can't go on a personal journey and do what we do. They have to improve as a group. Low risk, low gain path. That's grey magic. They now physically live on the new Nibiru planet in our solar system. NASA and astronomers are keeping their mouths shut about what took place during last year, seen from our timeline. It's a change so big they would have to trash most of their modern science if it became known.

The remote is just a tool for viewing and controlling yourself and your surroundings. It adds an interface, that's all it does.
In essence it's like a radio, when greys run the installer for their remote, they add the lowest frequency. Then you have to add the highest frequency yourself to create a bandwidth. The sigil shared does this automatically for the black version. 
It may give you an unpleasant dream the night after using it, as it still relies on grey programming, which can be very intrusive. What they do works, but they take no concern for if it's perceived as pleasant or not.

You decide yourself how you design it. Greys prefer a touch screen. I used a simple graph printer like an oscilloscope has, with a tuning wheel. Recently I changed it to something more like a leatherbound e-reader.

The modules tend to look like minidiscs and are installed inside the remote as hardware. Some modules are to be installed in your body, and those tend to look like crystals. In general humans call them "implants" but they're no different from cultivated diamonds/vajra in qi gong.

The remote is a great tool, it can do pretty much anything. You can use it for spellcasting by running code on the world egregore. It can control other people, it can be used for communication.
I can also emulate other systems like the galfed handheld, the astranet enchanted waxpad used by elves or give access to the reptilian ScaleForm. (There are programs for this on the blacknet, but feel free to make your own also.)