> the Queen told me the name
I suspected this I just wanted to make sure.
> She tells me everything she wants me to know
> I'm serious when I say I am under possession and she types for me
This is the "tricky part". Some things cannot be "shared" via "possession". She wanted you to come here for some reason.

> utter destruction of the "Planetary Alliance" when that time comes
I don't know who is "responsible" for your "situation" exactly but you have to "get in touch" with your "essence" that will tell you "more". Your situation is complicated and I am not sure who is "responsible". The Queen tells me to 
> let this play out 
so I am not sure if I should say more.
> Is this a common concept
Nope and I am not even sure the name is even accurate.
> What does it mean
Some "Andromedan politics". It's just some "organization" there. Do you know anything about Andromeda tho? Because that is an absolutely uncharted territory for me  Some days ago the Queen showed me my connection to the "Galactic Core" and how I can access it and travel "between them" but I have enough weird stuff going on already so I am not too eager to "go over there". Even my guides tell me to "take my time" and to "learn my pace"