Talking about these concepts are always hard especially if you go into the "reality creation" territory
> only seems to increase potency
I don't know what is the fitting name for that thing anymore but I use that "energy" to unlock other parts of my body/being. But I also make some "event outcomes" by "daydreaming". It has the same effect just the method is different. While you "ground" your "Intent" by "writing it down". I just let out my daydreams into the "collective conscious" and it sorta does it's thing. Like a regular spellform but because it is just a "potent daydream" it merges more easily with the "collective chatter of the minds".
>  'spirit' of the event, which can be unpredictable
To be a good writer you have to understand your characters/story you are writing. This is why syncing with the "spirit" always increases the probabilities. This way it's not like you are "overwriting" the spirit but you give it suggestions and if the spirit says "yes" then it will happen if it says no then you can ask "why" and make a "compromise" that you still might want. All aspects of "reality" can communicate. When starting to meditate I usually "give my opinion" on "issues" that are "bothering my mind" that way they can do "their thing".