thumbnail of US biolab Ukraine2.png
thumbnail of US biolab Ukraine2.png
US biolab... png
(2.34 MB, 1058x1654)
Taking this further, this is directly what the Ukraine war is about. These are not Bio-labs, they're factories for extracting "adrenachrome" from trafficked children, brought to Ukraine through underground tunnel systems with bullet trains. You can read about this on /x/, no need to go into the details here. 

If the "western" elites don't get their blood every week, their surface body layers will fill up with their massive karma flooding in. They will instantly get ill and die, and their souls will end up in "eternal hell". It doesn't matter to them that they will actually end up there anyway, they don't mind killing 1000s of children just to avoid it a few more weeks or months. That's why all those atheist "jews" are a 100 years old and fanatic about this stuff. They'll throw every single Ukrainian and all of the west into the meat grinder to achieve this, because they know what awaits them if they don't.