I never wanted to be "against" any people or nation. From what the Queen told us "everyone" in the elite layers want the Moloch system in place with the artificial sun and the blood harvest. It's just that there are different ideas on how to do this. The Nazis had their way, others opposed them. Right now the West faction has their way and the Russians don't like that.

I go entirely by how they behave when interacting with them, and it's a fact that the western agencies have been 100% hostile to me. The Russians have never been hostile. Same for some others like Farc. I was all for the American world view at first, but then they attacked me. Good fucking job of signing your own death sentence, but that's how it is. They've made cooperation with themselves impossible by responding to every attempt by the worst kinds of hostilities. It means this can only end one way for them.

It's not about countries or people because I don't believe in divisions like this. I want one world unity. They don't want this, they want to abuse and exclude.

I'll work with whoever agrees with me. Right now the Russian "multipolar world order" is way closer to my views than the American "let's bomb everyone back to the stone age and enslave them" world order.