Whenever you talk about the GalFed communism I realize it's not really connected to any concept of communism that "materialized" on earth so I am not exactly against it.
 Not to mention I have seen ancient pacts and how earth must retain it's "cultivation planet" status and even go further to retrieve one of it's "forgotten ability". The problem with the knowledge I found that I don't know if it is supposed to happen in "eons" or some set of "laws" need to just unfuck itself and we can jump multiple stages at once like it is nothing. I realized how to read the stone tablet that I said it was unreadable and it was like the base plot at the back of a book cover. Then it summoned 3 more several meter tall stone tablets or more accurately "walls". But reading those without going crazy needs a little preparation. 

> The idea that "I must have more than my neighbour to be happy" is the real poison, it's probably a mental illness of some kind.

Realizing what it meant the sentence that I read somewhere in the past
> all the siddhis will manifest when your post-greed status is confirmed
was truly something. How you "take" and "give" with just merely existing. And how is everything wrong and perfect at once.
Shame it is too complicated and too simple at once and properly realizing all the details is the entire path itself but at least it's not impossible.