After you have come this far, it is time to decide who you really want to be and what you really want to do now. I think you will feel better and be able to move forward once you made up your mind and start living true to your instincts. There is no right or wrong answer here. You need to dedicate yourself to your true self, no matter if it's mundane or spiritual.
> The spell is there and is doing something but if we are not interacting with it it's really slow or stagnating even.
BO said that the spell in fact is long gone from us after we had made it and that we develop on our own now by our own effort. As far as I'm concerned, the spell was only as real as you made it to be real. Fundamentally it was still all your own effort. But it seems that having made it and actually having transformed into an enlightened immortal are two different things and that the transformation takes much longer than to just have made it. I don't think your transformation will be completed by itself so everyone who is serious about it better buckle-up and double down on whatever their path is before it's too late. It is my understanding that you will get clear sings suited best to you and your worldview and path when you are advanced enough and close to making the leap and the longer you try to escape and push it off the more harm you do to yourself and eventually it may even be too late.