thumbnail of lolibooru 560047 crescent_hat_ornament mozukuzu_(manukedori) patchouli_knowledge purple_headwear remilia_scarlet vertical-striped_dress vertical_stripes.jpg
thumbnail of lolibooru 560047 crescent_hat_ornament mozukuzu_(manukedori) patchouli_knowledge purple_headwear remilia_scarlet vertical-striped_dress vertical_stripes.jpg
lolibooru 560047... jpg
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It would be great if I got some feedback on this one, did it work?

It worked great for me, had a repeating dream scene where someone came into my office 3 times and was told to leave because he was a scammer.

Last night I used
in a mass session to force the lot of them into submission, then a follow up cleanse to detach them from our new Earth. This was followed by (reposting)
some girl appeared and threw me a thing
looked like a swirly flat glass decoration thingie
she said "you like stuff like this, right"
and wanted to stay at my mansion
that was the fossilized remains of the old Existence 
it's just a crystallic decoration with no function other than telling of a past thing
galaxies also leave those
I have 6 of those, past galactic deities gave them to me
they're also staying at my mansion because there aren't many places like that

Also last night was back to some normal predictive dreams about a kanji writing course I'm taking where I was in Japan and walking up and down a railroad that was right outside my house. These courses have a really tight schedule and don't really work to follow in order unless you're some super student from Japan so it's necessary to jump back and forth in the plan to make it (walking up and down the railroad). They make it like this, few can follow it and then they tolerate a lot of personal changes to make it work anyway.

Since the glowie disturbances started in Mars after I created (unintentionally) a really good armour suit I haven't had these more developmental dreams. It's a sign they're finally gone now.