I still need to work on the characters appearing on the files to even have a way of figuring out whatever they could be so I randomly picked a file while thinking about new files and...
All I got was a grey staring into my face with an expression? of trying to figure out what I even want to do?

> Install it by opening a disc drive on your remote and inserting it. Some calibration may be needed, if so move the switch on the disc, then re insert it. Set the switch back to locked mode after calibration.

Yeah this is a specific way of saying do whatever until it works and I didn't even know I can lock it? Guess this is how my grandparents feel when I explain them how mobile phones work. 

Will report later if I have anything to report.  posting here gives me a /jp/ fantasy amount of touhou dreams and some vampires goofing around while my life is busy as usual but I will try to make something of this