> Any resources you can recommend
I am just working with guides. Every (current) human resource is inaccurate. Can't recommend any.
I have an energetic/spirit field that only let's in entities if they are willing to help in my development. Which means they are either wise spirits or if they malevolent then my guides usually want me to learn how to handle/punch them.

> communication (whether telepathy, partial possession or otherwise);
My telepathy is mostly mental synchronization and not the "exchange of words" kind of channeling. Which means if my mind is compatible I can receive a bunch of concepts instantly and suddenly know everything but when it's not it has trouble getting the gist of things.
Like here I asked for the Quran 2.0 if it's that distributed on the astral then it's easy to get. I even got the bright green energy like book. It caused me a headache first in my left brain because it had hard time reading it. It was like when you read a book but the words in it are completely foreign or unfamiliar so you have to use a dictionary at every 3rd word. So to "ground it" I asked for the astral energetic version of the original Quran. Which looked like a dark smoky block of text. Then the spirit of the book appeared and started to explain the book and it started with the concept of the "Messiah waiting process"... I sorta gave up because I realized this will take too long and I don't really care that much. And I had a mix of weird dreams yesterday and in one of them I was Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney and Miles Edgeworth started to explain some weird shit about how we are in the image of god and that gives us the right to destroy everything that we see fit or sg... at that part I realized this is a "corrupted dream" when concepts corrupt each other so they can appear somehow as the closest imitation of the real thing so I exited the dream.

I am developing the mental processing understanding because I have an exceptionally well made system for it but the problem is that it was not developed in the "current human" era. Which means I have to throw out every faulty bullshit that was ruined thanks to the societal retardation humans managed to imprison themselves with it and slowly let my innate truth manifest.

This makes it kinda hard to word my ways.

Not to mention thanks to the tower of Babel and Astra it sorta gets transmitted through the minds so the concepts I am working with sometimes get brought up on the board without my input.

I can't figure out the timing how I should share my own findings yet.
Not to mention I am still incapable of explaining things without a wall of text.