thumbnail of quran2.png
thumbnail of quran2.png
quran2 png
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Attached picture is an attempt at channeling a sigil of Quran 2.0

> Do you even remember what he taught you or it was a sort of "spirit imprinting" which makes the knowledge extremely intuitive/instinctual
It is the latter, or at the least it is effectually the latter. I can recall snippets of the training process but mainly it conferred a shift in my emotional baseline state.

> Same here...
I was bullied a lot in my youth. While I embraced the dark emotions, I let it turn inwards rather than let it out, due to many factors such as being afraid of getting into trouble myself (oh the irony! school staff sure give a shit when it comes to bullying, don't they?). The result is, as it were, was a very weak individual who was stuck in self-destruct mode. One day, while I was wallowing in this shitty state, I came upon one of BO's Succubus Collective recruitment threads on 4/x/ and applied there to join the Collective in a bid to destroy myself. At the time, I was a mundane Muslim, so I thought that joining seemed to be a really bad idea. Many already know of this story, as I've reiterated it many times elsewhere.

> 'true sight'
> and the rest of the commentary
Thank you for this feedback!

> I don't really like doing automatic writing.
> My telepathy is mostly mental synchronization and not the "exchange of words" kind of channeling.
I wasn't aware of this method of channeling; I will test it out!

> I am developing the mental processing understanding because I have an exceptionally well made system for it but the problem is that it was not developed in the "current human" era. Which means I have to throw out every faulty bullshit that was ruined thanks to the societal retardation humans managed to imprison themselves with it and slowly let my innate truth manifest.
> This makes it kinda hard to word my ways.
> Not to mention thanks to the tower of Babel and Astra it sorta gets transmitted through the minds so the concepts I am working with sometimes get brought up on the board without my input.
> I can't figure out the timing how I should share my own findings yet.
> Not to mention I am still incapable of explaining things without a wall of text.
I have a really tough time keeping to myself, and I find it easy to fall into ignorant lines of thought, but at some level, I realize that those that walk the occult path (at least the pure ones) will come to realize the fallacies that lay within the thought processes of the masses as to uncover very basic (but unthinkable to most) understandings that make popular discourse a theater of blind men.
As for the last two quoted sentences, only you can decide for yourself the timing. Of course, by that time, I hope you have solid reasoning behind choosing the timing. And perhaps try studying Latin and Greek, and don't shy away from inventing neologisms if it would aid your brevity in the long term. Well, that's my opinion, anyway.

Thank you for sharing your insights!