> I dug up a few excerpts
Your djinn-ability to understand abstractions easily is making itself evident again I see. 

I did some follow-up sessions with others who did the hypnosis and found there were some changes to the pillars, that is why I mentioned it. I looked at my own again and was able to understand the details better.

For newcomers, this refers to the system created by Jung, but builds further on it:
Extrovert/Introvert is the first pillar on the left.
Rigid/Flexible is the middle pillar.
Uniform/Adaptive is the right pillar.

These will then have a "compensation" symbolic by its foot, representing if the restricted version has been compensated for. This will manifest as an artifact of some kind, and sometimes they are bad and need to be changed.

For example, finding a skeleton or dry leaves by the foot of the pillar is ok, because those are rigid thought patterns, built out to compensate for lack of ability in the pillar, but as they are "dead" they do no harm. If you on the other hand find rotten things, corpses, or living beings by the foot of the pillar, those need to be removed, unless they are strictly positive like a flower stalk growing up along the pillar.