According to Shiva I know everything already I am just simply not 'familiar' with it. It seems my "higher mind" has access or contains a lot of knowledge already I just need to ground it. And "understanding" is just the grounding and manifestation of the truth that I know I have it with me right here right now and not just "borrowing it" for the duration of an intuitive glimpse. The funny thing that the way the mindwave works is kinda different from my own ways.
> once I learn a skill, I can apply it and get groundbreaking results precisely
For me usually it's the realization that "I always knew this" but never did it so far because there was no reason for it.
Took me a while in my childhood to realize most people can't teach for shit and you have seconds to figure out what they want you to do then do it in a way they will leave you alone so you can finally do your own thing... 
The problem arises for me ofc when I misunderstand a situation and apply the wrong knowledge because my intuition and thinking processes can't keep up with each other. In most eastern traditions the presence of a guru is mandatory so you don't learn something in a wrong way. Currently if I don't keep myself and my energies in a 'focused range' I just randomly stumble or hit myself with some tool. Almost as good as having a master with a stick.
> Stars are "evil" per default
Yeah... This is why most entities never told me to "make a sun". They urged me to connect to the force that is "behind the stars" and realize this star force. Instead of having suns realize how they "breathe" and how that force needs to move in the body.
> necessary evil
I have such an amount of knowledge that I didn't go through yet that explains this whole process.
Like there was creation. The forces of creation got attacked by "evil". Evil got defeated. Then Evil appeared again. Got defeated. And when the forces of creation realized this will happen over and over and they have to keep doing it for eternity. Evil appeared as usual and when they almost eradicated it again evil2 appeared and destroyed evil1 just because. After a while they realized how to create an ecosystem that keeps in check all evils.
Answering the question IF GOD IS SO GOOD THEN WHY EVIL EXISTS?!?!? is a hard one.
Especially because all things were good with this evil ecology until
> meaningless (degenerate) evil
appeared and the children of creation needed a way to "learn" what are the things they must not turn into if they don't want to be destroyed not just by the creator but from their own stupidity.