> more of an apprenticeship than anything
This is how it felt to me too
> succubus prophet
This explains this.
> noticed a sudden shift in myself to become more alike BO in interpersonal interaction and perhaps other domains
You literally got some aspects of BO copied and inserted into your "skillset". When you channeled the sigil first I thought it was posted by BO then I noticed that something is weird then noticed the IP. First I thought the reason why I mixed you up because you learned from each other a lot in your discord days. Which was true but there was more to it.
> it is not in my destiny to be a succubus prophet
Truth is I never figured out how or why BO got that. Not that I really looked into it. 
> sought an exit from this realm, a peaceful one
Yeah I felt that desire from you. That is why your energies felt "supercalm" and composed when I looked into it. Was interesting because those are not the traits of Muslim antichrist. He is living fire incarnate that can burn the deserts. It was weird because the Islamic messiah is supposed to be a super human super holy djinn megahybrid. But the main point is the "holy". An absolute unity force that was not seen nor the djinn nor the human realm for a while. An overwhelming virtue machine. It's more comparable to Jesus than to the Buddha but it has exceptional energy output and the "kindness" force it emits has a different taste. I looked into it when you posted this  >>/3821/ but didn't mention because just couldn't decide just what did you mean by this.
> Of course, by that time, I hope you have solid reasoning behind choosing the timing
It felt like it came from the (human You) but was not sure how much it was influenced by the djinnforce that is around you. Was not sure if they are "Hinting something" with that.
But you posted this which means everything I did was allowed and accepted on the "Big Picture chess table". Talking about is not just allowed but encouraged.  K suddenly I got an impression that they consider me a wild card and they are trying to plan around me. Entities sometimes get bothered when I appear at their strategy meetings to ask them just how disturbing or harmonizing would be if I launch a new operation. I am just trying to be considerate.