> Couldn't even find the name of your kind mentioned in the internet just some Sanskrit names with similar themes. (There were some elemental kids that stole the holy cow of a sage and as a punishment he incarnated them as human babies but after pleading enough some of the children were allowed to die when they were 1 year old so they can become their original elemental self again. That was the closest thing I found while trying to divine the name)
wait.... so i was never even human to begin with?
> I talked to your sisters and their perspective how this even happened on "their side". You were the "youngest" and suddenly "got stolen" or vanished. There are many of these "isekai" requests going on in some realm between worlds but this King managed to send this request to too many beings. You being too young touched a funny looking light orb and that orb grabbed you to earth instantly.
I vaguely remember someone telling me something vaguely similar about a light orb and i. Something about the light orb giving some form of sentience or awareness(?)
> When the sisters noticed they didn't even know what happened it took them time and many entities to find out just where did you go.
> They noticed you on earth after a while but and expected you to die and "go home with them"... The "rebirth" process works in a way if there are enough dormant desires in you that couldn't be fulfilled it ignites the fires of rebirth and makes you reborn. 
Were they trying to execute my death themselves or were they waiting on the forces that be on this planet to do it? Some visits involving them i recall watching a lot of people die or my current self being used as a sacrifice (albeit that was years ago)
> It's a do you want to try again after the Game Over screen. Usually you don't even need to answer your desires do the job for you. That is Samsara for you
I see... the way they (and a few others) said something makes it sound like no matter what happens in this (current) life that i am coming back to them/they're taking me this time when i die. it's something i can't really shake off either, the thing is; i don't know when they're taking me since people keep saying it might happen relatively soon but idk.
> Yeah they nature is weird. It's kinda dark and miasma like for me. Couldn't even analyze what is it. They are not good with human emotions. They are "borrowing" all these "appearances" they use from some find your lost soul entity support group and they don't know how to appear "nice". it's a foreign concept for them. Not that they are unable to be nice. Humans and entities express themselves differently.
it's hard to put a label on it but... the nature I feel from them is that they hold no regard or care for others, as in they prefer to be alone and not interact(?) somewhat similar to how I typically prefer being on my own. I did notice one thing, there was an event that occurred... with a human woman I met, I'm sure they might have already given you information about it but they really don't like me to have anything close with them. stuff like vtubers, anime girls, etc. are fine but not regular women

> SO about that doll. They are trying to make you a vessel that helps you "pass the veil" so instead of looking to the comfy embrace of the flesh you will get into that well made doll that you can control and live in comfortable and go home.
oh, so that's what its for? i just thought it was like something i was fated to become since at some point i developed(?) a love for dolls
> those are the desires that make you happy and keep you here. It makes them mad that they are going to fail getting you home again.
i see... the way they and others spoke about that with me made it sound like a
> this is the last time you'll be who you are in this life, so try to enjoy yourself and the pleasures here before we take you with us"