> with a human woman I met
Humans are built to get attached to the other sex. If you get attached and circulate your energies with a human perfectly aka you "find the one" these outsider influences of your sisters can "fade". They will be there but you will hear them more faintly because you are too busy being with your loved one. There was that story when Indra incarnated as a pig. The gods told him Indra u a god stop being a pig. No am pig sid Indra. Then he got a pig wife and kids. Gods got angry and killed his pig wife and kids and when Indra was in his saddest lowest form they killed him too. Then he realized Oh I was really Indra and not a pig. Damm. This story is about how life is a dream and such but the main important part is that the gods THE LITERAL GODS couldn't take away FUCKING INDRA because he was a pig and enjoyed being a pig. So he had to lose everything that made him happy to be a pig so he can be killed in a way he returns being Indra. Now what I am saying is that not boohoo am such an animal in a dream but understand how attachments keep you in reality. Because when you die if there is not a "New place" where you can get attached to you get dropped off to your closest attachment world. I am saying this because your sisters are not on the level of the gods because if they were they would be giving you at least some spiritual instructions but they are so unfamiliar with it they are applying a "method" they got from some weird group.
> i developed(?) a love for dolls
Oh. That's a nice attachment desu. Good for making you to accept your new vessel desu. Helps you realize how you can travel without your human flesh desu.  Desu takes away precious wordlimits desu. I have to stop memeing desu. 
> this is the last time you'll be who you are in this life, so try to enjoy yourself and the pleasures here before we take you with us
If all your desires get "fulfilled" and you see no point coming back here then yes this might happen. Fulfillment is one path for attaining enlightenment. The catch ofc that the low level desires are made so you can never feel fulfilled. So yes if you say this was the best human life and I don't want more you can grab their hand and depart with them. But seriously they are so bad at appearing kind because they don't understand human kindness. Like can you understand how trees or rocks like each other? They do btw. They have an energy exchange. But no normal person looks at rocks and says damm those rocks really love each other!

> unless i'm involved in it
How do I explain. They just want to prove they are "more real" than the "reality" you reside in. I don't know what they do but it is like your mom making an MMO account so she can talk to you in the videogame because you are not picking up the phone. Btw they interact with you more than you can recall because it seems they are bad at figuring out how your consciousness works. 
No wonder they told me this will take forever to explain. I am seeing more and more problems as I go on.