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Apart from that, they've done things like replace my human family, as in its like they overwrite them the way you would overwrite save on a PS2 memory card. I don't know if this is related to them but i had also been worshipping/etc. toward aphrodite/venus and i think she had communicated with me directly a few times outside of sleep. but one time she appeared(?) in my dreams too on two different occasions and some strange things happened
> the first instance she took me with her to spectate something, it was an island seemingly populated with nothing but human males
> the males were amicable (somewhat) and got along with each other but all of sudden they all just started battling and killing each other until none were left, this continued nonstop
> I don't understand why but it felt like she didn't want around men more than i ought be(?) but im most likely misinterpreting it
> got turned into a mermaid at some point
> the last time was me being in some weird group with 6 other men, we each had to group up with each other (groups of 2 iirc)
> i tried asking and joining groups but all the men either ignored me or just vanished, with one one man outright spontaneously getting turned into stone and the crumbled into dust
> afterward a group of women (about 4 or 5) told me to come with them and i followed suit
there was also something involving that other "me" i forgot to disclose earlier. one time her (me) visited me and pinned me down on the ground, punching and beating me relentless, almost to the point of death, she was so strong despite looking like pic related i couldnt do anything. Suddenly she stopped, made me get up and proceeded to say something to me
> "Hit me"
I looked confused and she said
> "It's simple really, if you don't want to become me, who you really are. then hit me, if you hit and it hurts me then we'll have our answer"
it was less of a requent and more an order at this point, i obeyed her command and hit her. To no one's surprise it didn't even make her flinch nor surprised nor did she feel pain from. She just started to giggle and then laugh with delighted smile
> "See!? Even your body knows deep that you're meant to become me, your true self~ No matter what you do in this life its inevitable that you'll become me and nothing will stop that" this is one of those instances 

> Btw they interact with you more than you can recall because it seems they are bad at figuring out how your consciousness works.
t-they do?