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> She claimed to have been witch
Yeah your nature seems to attract beings like that. Now I understand why your sisters were furious. I don't know what she noticed about you but she noticed something and made her curious.
> my sisters didnt get injured and it made them furious that woman tried that
Their "original form" is totally not in this "world". The only thing that can happen to them if you "disrupt the connection". Hmm... I just channeled something. It seems it was actually not the woman herself but... witches have a tendency to summon a bunch of entities that kinda "haunt them". It's like semi possession and sometimes they even give power to the witch. Sometimes they are shitty wiccan blessings (I just got the answer it was not wiccan origin) or something alike which works by having a spirit around you and enforcing the effects of the blessing... (Some entity just told me it was nothing like that). It was something more complicated but the point is it was like a co-spirit acting on their own discretion. Like a familiar but this was not a familiar contract.
> the woman presumably got bored and had irl stuff happening at the time and she slowly left entirely
Ok good end. I will not look into this further then. This was some real turf war shit.
> imperial princess 
You interacted with a Shinto realm. As  I said earlier your sisters had to go through many entities to finally find you. You really got lost in the maze. Shinto entities and realms are quite good at guiding the passage of souls. You belong to the princess then she can finally place you into a new world where you belong. Whatever you are "marked" she watches over you. I think this is the most positive experience that you wrote down so far. Thanks for sharing it. It really helps clearing up the image just how lost you are.
> eat the soup whole
That is some spirit power up food. With that she has more "power" or awareness about your presence. This way she can guide you better. Not always by herself because Shinto gods are a quite "stationary" and operate from their realm. But they are extremely well connected and they will make entities that are allied to them to help you on the princess's behalf.
> as if she knew i was going to pass it anyway.
Yeah but if she doesn't say that you wouldn't have eaten it. They know what they have to say. (Like if she gave you that food and started choking on it without her saying it's a trial you wouldn't have eaten it for sure).