> fate", getting isekai'd with her, etc.
Ohhhhh. No wonder my guides said it's complicated.

> (replies might be slow this time since i'm trying to be more thorough in my responses)
Take your time for me it took like 2 hours to write down all that. 
Not to mention some of the concepts might be unfamiliar so if you have questions just ask for clarifications.

Also found a way to look into your "witch" after the story. Something extremely weird is going on. She is obv not aware of the full story but the entity that "guides her" is something else.

What I got is that your sisters only noticed her "human form" and her lower "emanations" and not the... 
I give up for now. Looking into the energies that I can connect to now that I got an image from your posts it leads to an extremely specific realm. Like some Spiritual monastery retreat in the mountains. It's like TIbet but it's not Tibet.

> The ways are unclear you should not thread further

This is what my higher mind told me.
Can't catch her reasons nor motives because they weren't hers exactly

 My guides also recommended me some girl to go and find because she is my "soulmate"... But I refused because I don't have time and patience... Not to mention I want to develop my powers properly first. It turns out she is a sort of familiar past life soul but completely unawakened so far and being with her would have been "stimulating". Problem is ofc that my life is too turbulent for things like this. It turned out she is not even a "fated match" but "good enough" one. Using my psychic skills to find girls sounds cool but... Whatever this was the thing that was on my mind today. Just shared it for no reason. Ignore it at your leisure. (Your girl is different and I don't understand her motives at all. The only thing that I can tell that was real her excitement when she found you. Everything else is unclear) Also life is a big ERP never forget that.