> entire time i thought you were orb
My creative writing and spiritual advice giving is getting better. My wording and editing was far worse before. I am still not on his level tho.

Mostly the trail of vampire threads led me here.

> him saying "Do what your heart feels is right"
J-man gave you his blessing then. Your path is accepted. (I too didn't feel any energy that would say otherwise)

> yes, she is. she still has me do bible study with her
That's kinda good then. She will have a stabilizing and grounding effect of you. In the spiritual the worse thing that can happen when we loose our footing because we forgot where we came from. As you walk on the path you might be able to notice hidden things in the Bible.

> manifest or rather i became(?) her because my mind voice changed completely
Yes that is what you need to reach and understand. Don't just get overtaken by it. Merge with it. Because getting "overtaken" and "blanking out" is not the way. Merge or unify.
> weird battlelust 
Get in touch with that but most importantly never get overwhelmed by it. Mental wards are not nice places. Understand how or why it comes out. Some past lives attach at our hidden issues.

> not completely mundane
Nope you are not, You just need to shift your focus a little from the "shitposter mentality" to the magical mentality. It will come out nicely when you get the hang of it.

> i can feel it and sense something is gone/missing
You see there is that saying that the glass is half full or half empty... Well the glass is never empty. It's 50% fluid and 50% air. But we call air empty. You need to understand how air feels different from fluid but it is something that is still there. I am saying this because feeling a lack of thing is usually the thing itself. Like imagine eating rice with shit on every day. Then one day the rice has no shit on it! It would feel blank wouldn't it. Then slowly you will realize rice also has a taste and that is also a food and maybe even better to be eaten without the shit. Why were you eating rice with shit anyways?
This is how it feels to live without some negative energies. Then you have to realize how positive energies work. Rice doesn't need be eaten bland. Just eat it with something better than shit.

> spoke to her normally (like i would a regular person) and it was easier that way now that i think about it...
Talking is an energy exchange already. When you start feeling which energies stabilize the interactions better you will know what to do.

> feeling very gentle/soft
> was her property and the seriousness behind it

Oh rith forgot to mention 1 more thing about markings. If an entity marks you especially a powerful one it means HE IS MY STUFF IF YOU TOUCH IT I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU. It is sometimes more akin to protection but the lower entities need to "get the message" so it must feel serious to them. I am only saying this because I don't feel the YOURE SOUL BELONGS TO ME FOR ALL ETERNITY feeling but the gentle you are a child of my garden kind of thing. It's just lower entities will not think of you as "free real estate" or food or molestmeat etc...

Have fun btw. I think you can walk on your path now. (Also if it gets crazy sometimes don't lose hope. Always remember they are with you. The Dark Night of the soul can get wild)