> my mind voice changed completely and i remember being a bit yandere and under the weird battlelust 
>  >"hehehe i love my sisters, kill kill kill, i love my sisters, love kill, consume love love"

I was slightly bothered because of this yandereness and a sort of "worry" started to appear within me because I don't want you to get overwhelmed and go on a stabbing spree or something. It was weird because I didn't feel hostility and murderlust from you at all so I had to dig deeper.

I managed to get in contact with the caretaker entity that sorta was "there" when the King summoned everyone.

You probably seen emotioneless weapon doll waifus in anime or videogames like Nobeta. In Nobeta the doll technology was made by humans then humans extracted souls from humanoids to power it. In Nobeta there was also the "throne" that let you connect to the spirit world and take energies from there. The concept will be similar here.
There is a way to summon minimal awareness souls connect them to a "weapon system" and use your main consciousness as the thing that commands them. This works as long as your main consciousness can keep it running. If you get tired or they get out of range they get turned off or malfunction. To combat this there is the way to increase their "autonomy" ("botsoul" is the term we usually use) which just means they will fall back to patterns to follow until the commanding consciousness returns. THEN there is the one where you don't always need the commanding consciousness just follow the others who follow the commanding consciousness. Then as the last one which is above the "botsoul" category is the have a proper level of consciousness that does everything it can to follow the wishes of the main consciousness. More or less this is what the King managed to accomplish. A hole in reality that does nothing but summon beings like these. These beings were summoned to fight so they are called as soldier or "weapon (doll) souls".

Why this is the problem. This is like leaving around guns on the ground which might think they need to shoot someone if they misinterpret the orders.