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mmm... i understand enough to get it.

> So when you are in your "conscious form" which is companion soul+all the development you got since you started to exist on this plane makes you into extremely human. The problem is that in inhuman situations there is a slight chance you go back to the weapon doll soul fall back mentality.
its incredibly rare when that does happen but usually i think they snap me out or either i somehow got used to it(?) because i can't really recall the last time something like that happened but even i feel like i've gotten even more "I'd rather not kill unless i needed to but would still try to avoid that if possible" type thinking instead of just wanton killing. i guess it does manifest if im playing something like dark souls but ehhh

That mermaid collar was a sort of "principle collar" it made you do the tasks and not do things that would make you into the weapon soul because you are needed (the companion soul) for a task. Then you somehow ended up in the care of Shinto gods. I just found out they are not owning you as a protection but to make sure your weapon system doesn't get sealed off for the wrong reasons.
Wait.. so there's more than one shinto god over me?
They know where you are and what you do at all times so when you get overtaken by that instinct they can give you a way out before it gets messy or authorize your actions because they see it necessary.
what do you mean by authorize? as in take control and have me do things or something else?