> still try to avoid that if possible" type thinking
That's good. 
> Wait.. so there's more than one shinto god over me?
Shinto gods have a sort of system that keeps the energies flowing between realms. So no only the princess is over you but she has allies and servants. I have no idea how she will interact with you tbh. But don't get surprised if someone else appears but still wears her "authority". (like a kitsune appearing bringing a message from the princess or a soldier maybe a bird? or just finding an object at a weird place)

> what do you mean by authorize?
Member when I said they see you all the time? By that I meant they are aware of you but not looking at you all the time. It's like when a situation gets "hot" they get alerted and can intervene. It's like they see the thread of fate or the stream of events suddenly change the energy currents. For them it is just a basic superintuitive ability.
> as in take control and have me do things
That is very unlikely and in just extremely bad situations and probably only later on your path
> something else
I meant that they give you the "approved" message when you want to deploy your "weapon system". Don't ask what it is exactly I cannot put my mind on it because.
> you are a nice human now ;)

I don't think you need to worry about it I just mentioned just in case.
Like my worry stems from my mundane mentality while my intuition says everything will work out.

> me being some kind of inherent evil or anything
Yeah it was weird that I didn't feel that from you not even a little. Most humans have a least a little. I am not saying you are a holy saint (yet). But there wasn't that sort of hostility most humans emanate. Couldn't decide if it's innocence or nativity or I am just blind but it seems your weapon system handles these negative energies better than humans do by default.

> i definitely recall being a japanese priestess or something in kimono too
Yeah you have some connection to the Shinto realm and it's likely you had a life or several where you had that role.

So yes you have to remember your proper human pasts or at least get a feeling for it then with your full human sentience overtake the doll (not just the current (You) but all your past life developments combined) then as you merge completely go and follow your heart... I know it sounds cliché but at that point you will not need instructions you will know exactly what you are and what you want to do.

> discord account got disabled 
(is that even a bad thing?)
ofc youtube deleted the og vid ahhh why am I even surprised