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> The SD card of my smartphone got corrupted yesterday
I too murdered several machines on my awakening path.
> the 'philosopher's death'.
Oh that one. I had something like that too. I opened up a sort of "nectar" pathway but as in the ancient texts write before you can access the amrita you have to deal with the poison. There are many ways to handle the poison which is you get rid of it with years of practice and cleansing some weird dubious rituals that usually just fuck you over and the jalandhara bandha in tantric practices (which is holding the poison in the throat). When I managed to open up my lower energies to soar into my mind I realized that all my lower selves are awakening at mass and ripping me apart. Many other things happened it was quite the insane experience but I figured out if I "mix" the nectar and the poison the "true" lower selves will survive while the "false"/evil ones will die a sort of orgasmic death from it. Shiva appeared and helped me mix the poison but told me that I need to keep in in my throat with my will while he helped me increase the potency of the poison. As I have seen all the lower entities die from the poison while trying to reach my mind I was thinking while not just turn this poison on the max and let it go through my entire body deleting all evil at once. That would just make it into the medicine and not the poison. Back then I was not really aware that just merely being a human in the current age we are around 70% evil/degenerate by default and deleting that large portion of our being at once is not a good idea. When that happened Shiva screamed in anger and possessed parts of my body to fix my reckless retardation. I managed to not sleep for a week because of a constant trance state and had to realize how to redownload huge chunks of my mind to function as a human again. Luckily being human doesn't mean we need to be evil. That was just the effect of the cattleficiation process that the most retarded came up centuries ago. 
Where was I... right death of the philosopher. 
I too had the realization when my mind went overdrive with the concepts that SOCRATES DRANK THE POISON.
Why this is important nowadays. All continental thought philosophy come from the greeks but most importantly from Socrates and his clique. But the way Socrates was thinking didn't exactly come from Socrates. He just realized his wisdom in Delphi and from god knows what influences and what he did with it? Well he started to dab on all the philosophers how dumb they are and all state apparatuses and started to teach/annoy/disrupt everyone. His philosophical arguments will result in the discovery of the true philosophy managed to permeate the academic culture and the way we post to this day. It managed to become a way to argue at the crossroads instead of walking it. I am not saying what he did was bad but that mentality needed to die. Even he realized that the way he did things was atrocious a he needs to die. It was his final lesson.
With that I realized I need to let that Socrates part of my mind delete itself so I can walk the path instead of being an overthinking smartass. Which was kind of the bad thing because it was almost the highest information processing part of my mind at that time. Then came the lesson how I can use the wisdom that is in every person how reality have a sort of intelligence by default and how to let my true mind "think" instead of using this several thousand year old rugged pattern mechanism system that if you are unable to get you will not be able to understand what those intellectual masturbators talk about. 

Since that I am finally able to walk the path without overwhelming madness.