> The what? 
Same as a leyline but it's more older and it can be used for specific uses only. Like a gas/oil pipe but only important facilities can use it. While a leyline can be used by everyone like a gas station a worldline can only be used by certified "refineries/factories". Usually they are part of a grater system. You can call them a set of subdimensions. It's how some spirit worlds connect to this world. Usually they are not in sync with the current times and they are dormant until being attacked. Like if someone murders 10 people above an oilpipe no one will care that much. But if you use a bomb and damage that pipe you will be sent into a high security prison all your friends questioned and the state will call an emergency.
I am trying to help these "lines" to figure out a sort of "future" for a while because if a nation loses the support/purpose it fulfills towards the world then it gets removed in favor for someone who "cares". 

It's an extremely complicated system and I am sorta trying to write it down in the /coven/ thread atm. Why nations rise and fall while trying to figure out the reason (why should I care)
> know more about Japan than natives
Truth is I don't know anymore. I would never claim that I know much about japan. I am just seeing some worldlines (and watch anime) and trying to figure out the ancient energetic connections. Because of that some higher entities really like me. The more you know about a culture the more will you realize how no one really knows the full story at all. I am not saying I know the truth because nowadays I just pick up puzzle pieces and until you cannot connect them they just look like rubbish instead of the full picture. And sometimes a small picture makes you think you know how the big picture looks like. Sometimes you get it right sometimes it needs adjustments.