> I want to become one too!
never really understood that mentality. 

> putting time into serious study
In elementary school I was learning german. I went to a high school which was srs about giving the students language exams and the first year was about an overwhelming amount of german classes with different german teachers. I took it seriously and got my language exam at the end of the first year. After that I could finally learn english. While learning german was a painful and grindy thing learning english came easily because most movies and videogames contained english. We all know how easy it is to learn a langauge when you have fun and use it instead of just cramming it.
This was not the weird part. The weird part was my intuition started to figure out how I can learn languages by "feeling them". I went into that part. Why study when you can "know it". Problem was of that slowly I started to figure out that when my intuition is "too fast" I fall back to my "old mental patterns" and they need time to figure out "where was I". It usually resulted that I made an ass of myself. Nowadays I am getting better how these energies flow but I still need to get the hang of it.
It turns out you can "tune" into the mind of others and you can understand everything if you can go behind all pretenses. It's like channeling but you channel the "truth behind" then channel a way to give back in a way they can understand. It takes me time too because my mind still needs to "hear what I am saying" or everything desyncs. I am still not beyond the need of feedback mechanisms. I mean it will still give a feedback but a kinda different not rooted in this reality one. Yes I am still not on the level where I can explain what I am doing. *sigh*

> serious study
I had a mentality that I figured out in highschool that to remember things I think everything I learn is like a life or death situation.
Because of that retardation I have to learn how i can learn things with 0 effort so the energies can flow freely instead of carving a "new memory" and punching an old memory carving until it breaks and the new one takes it place. (I completely forgot german because the way I learned it was such a weak energy my stronger mental energies just broke 98% what I learned) This is how the cramming way works. My way was loading the new memory with such a force it shatters everything in it's way. Now I have to figure out the kind effortless ways because that is the way my intuition loads truth into my mind and I might miss it because I get distracted by a shitty memory carving that I made decades ago.

Holy shit I am just fucking bad writing concise things again.
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