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thumbnail of APPLES Holo.jpg
APPLES Holo jpg
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> i heard someone speak japanese in my head but it didn't feel like it come from me or my other self which was strange
Try to connect to that "noise" when it happens. It might even be just a random thought pattern or something. Or some parts of you is trying to communicate with you and it thinks you understand japanese. Try to connect to the feeling it emanates and let your mind "translate it". Apple apfel ringo. You know it is an apple. When you read the world apple you think of the fruit itself and not how others call it or write it. The trick is to try to connect to the concept the message is trying to "convey".
Also it might be just a mental noise. Not everything has a meaning. Sometimes it's just an "attempt" toward meaning. Doesn't mean it lacks meaning but it needs to learn to express itself. This is what I am trying to do externally and internally.
It's so hard until you realize just how easy it is.