Oh I forgot about the normalfag classic!
My sportsteam vs your sportsteam! 

For women it's usually my beauty products/fake nails vs yours.

Good thing ever since that I learned how I can direct any conversation or find ways to leave it because holy shit.
I take retarded we wuzzers and the most autistic bullshit instead those things. Even talking about the relationship problems of others is better than that. At least you can bring up psychology or learn about the mentality of the person you are talking with.
Most of the times I got blackout drunk while having to listen to hour long sportsteam rivalries.
And yes I needed those people for networking purposes. Good thing going out for a smoke gave me a chance to change the topic to either politics or philosophy. It was still terrible but at least it gave me reasons to stop making the whyamIstillhere face (I had no control over that I am bad at forcing a smile on my face. And if you do that for too long people will think you are no fun).

Good thing I am not in any community management profession.

At least on the internet you can close the tab or turn off the computer. 
IRL you either change the people that are around you or leave them forever. Or you find ways to enjoy the conversation. For normies that is the easiest somehow.