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> a few nights ago
> i recall being on a weird "killing" spree with them, we were navigating some weird structure and i was unable to keep up so i fell into a weird crevasse somewhere further in
> sisters had finally taken notice but they more or less had to wait before getting me because of whatever they were doing earlier was important
> some weird guy follows them and tries killing them
> they were momentarily stunned and shook it off albeit deeming it as annoyance (like before)
> the guy tried to kill me but was unable to because i momentarily woke up but then went back to sleep. immediately come back, sisters and i eliminated him because he didn't realize they couldn't really "die"
> afterwards, there was blond and deadpan girl that abducted me somewhere with her
> as my current human self she made strip and burn my all my articles of clothing for some reason and just kept me confined with her
> she was doing strange things like constantly holding my hands and such
> for a bit she disappeared and i overheard and argument
> i went to open a door to get some air, i think she tried to stop me but it was too late
> there was some flamethrowing demon, almost like something ripped right from dark souls.
> i somehow avoided getting burnt alive and made it back inside the castle(?). can't remember if i teleported/got teleported back or what