> are they regular lives with karma you need to start off by working off?

when I first started to get into them that was my first impression and that was the reason why I dropped the whole past lives project. But then
> Are they completed enlightened persons now operating on the astral freely, mentally seperated from your current mind

I had dreams of these things and they are doing things that I might need to figure out the purpose of them. First I thought they are some metaphor/lesson or just some fleeting dream but they might contain more. The only reason why I am not sure because they had their own "circumstances" they adapted/mastered themselves towards and I am not sure I really need that yet. And I need to improve my navigation skills because it's still on the level of doing something somehow getting to somewhere and something happens there if I meant to be there (I end up in weird places sometimes where I waste most of my time figuring out why am I even here) and not always proper conscious wanting to get there and getting there.

> Modern humans live in a cage for animals, talking and dreaming of mediocre stories of the future and past. All they see is perceived from inside the box, related back to the box. Anything they learn they try to apply for the benefit of their prison. 

yeah that is the main cause of my despair for a while because I figured the way out but it's not exactly a proper way out it's just like the prison garden or something similar. Not true escape from it but a step closer to outside and every small step counts because staying inside will cause my death more ways than I wish for. It's funny that after understanding this prisoner mentality managing people got so much easier but that doesn't mean I like doing it. I want to be a god amongst gods and not to be the king of the trash heap.

 And that is my main problem with the whole thing because it seems I was or I am one of the godlike? beings (first I thought they are some sort of different entities trying to give me some lesson but then it turned out I am them or they are me? and I am giving lessons/doing other things that I was not there enough to see the consequences of them) but if I am them why in the living fuck did I wander into this life (or into the other less interesting lives) and the things I am getting has no clear (sometimes even a conflicting) answer and I am simply not sure what to make them yet. 

> it looks like some evil occultist's wet dream
yeah and I got even wetter dreams of the way this world is progressing but I am still not sure what to make of it. Let it happen? Fight against it? Change the course of the world? Merely observe it and learn from it? I did all of them in my dreams and none of them felt like the way I should go. It was still a prison as you said it. My current goal is to amass enough knowledge and power and figure out what is the goal of the forces in the shadows that meddle with this world. And with that wisdom I might be able to find a not futile true purpose.  But if I have a true purpose already why I am in this life but I forgot it like I usually do with things after getting into new things I need to figure out them asap and work towards it or I am wasting my time and opportunities 

Great thing about all the learning processes the more you know the more questions you have and the answers get less and less clear as you move forward  And then  you reach a point where everything gets a new/improved interpretation and you sit before the sea of possibilities and realize what you want is far more deeper you can perceive yet and once you jump in there is no guarantee you can get out or even get what you even want.