Maybe it helps if you remember your true self. You are a Spirit. It may even help just to remember that you are an immortal vampire and assume that mindset of an apex predator. At the level where your true self resides, there is no lack of energy and there is also neither death nor disease. That's just things of the body, but you are not the body. Sure you are attached to a body and you might "have" a body but it's not you. (you are also not actually inside the body, maybe it's more like this body is inside your mind) Elevate your consciousness above the physical and take control of your being. This may energize and heal you. I don't know if you are already doing this but if waking up like this doesn't help then I don't know anymore.
I also despise human interaction and a lot of things that normal humans deem "fun" or "interesting", but that's because they are retarded and unnecessary. Honestly, a lot of of human culture is pure garbage, and this goes especially for religion. And entertainment and "social life" in the modern world. You don't need to force yourself liking or doing those things, that's not enlightened. Human life is for humans who are not awakened, everyone who awakenes uses his own free will and moves on. Pick what's true and beautiful to you and reject the rest, don't be afraid to change, and if there is truely nothing that you like, at least love yourself and keep going for yourself and maybe the next step unlocks soon (your true self, not necessarely the body/human character). If your physical life is shit, the only way out is to go in. Into the astral, into the mind, into your true self. And if physical death might actually get to you one day, it won't bother you one bit. That's just my 2 cents without knowing how advanced exactly you are and what you are doing. As I see it, you are doing great for not liking most things and not wanting interaction. It frees you to move on to higher levels. Let go of the "human" completely.