> I work 12-16 hours a day
Bruh iktf. People had to die around me for things to change.

> I don't know what to do with my life otherwise
Until you don't figure that out you are fucked. You either start figuring it out asap or you will get a wake the fuck up call soon.
You are in that black muck filth of a swamp and unable to see anything beyond it even tho the higher states are literally front/above you
> intermittently messing with me
You are literally "trying" to believe in anything so you have a reason to keep living but because you cannot see "anything" your focus is absolutely misaligned
Yes you are using your yang side to be a "work drone" and disregard all your yin side which does nothing but tries to keep you "alive". 
Fuck sake I literally did the same fucking shit. Can't believe others are as dumb as me here

> Yet today you can not even understand it?
It was the Prussians that figured out how to make life "efficient" by making shit like this. With that they managed to increase the levels the industrial revolution caused in human society and in return "made people" that figured out how they can get the "Most profit" out of people. There was a reason why Nietzsche said "God is dead and we killed him" and why the idea of communism and anarchism started there. And Bismarck noticed it just in time and with that managed to create social security before they got their own "French Revolution". Working for work's sake leisure for work's sake and resting for work's sake. This mentality got twisted and twisted into the absolute "slave morality" we have today.
> was a demand 100 years ago
It had to happen because those who forgot to demand it died and their children starved to death.