Supposedly there were also "little people", a few inches tall, present still just 100 years ago, but modernism forced them into other dimensions. There are folk tales of them being present in the 1800s along with different beings no one claims to have seen today. Locally there were different nature beings such as the Rå, a female spirit given a name depending on where she lived, a forest or a lake would be most common, but they also lived in mines or near streams, where they'd seduce male workers who stayed alone for longer periods. There was a also a male spirit called Näcken, singular, indicating a single being, who had some similarities to Satan. A nude man playing the violin to seduce people into drowning in streams or dancing in trance until they died.

I've met one giant once, someone who lived in prehistory, but only this one, so they must have been gone for a long time. Maybe since the "inner Earth" was locked into the state of the small land mass we have now. (Try astrally or by remote viewing to see the Earth now and you will find that it's 3 times as big as the known world map. There are islands and continents south of Africa which were locked away 600 years ago, which have now again been unlocked. Warning for freaky experience.)