thumbnail of 2004 nowadays.jpg
thumbnail of 2004 nowadays.jpg
2004 nowadays jpg
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> Supposedly there were also "little people",
They are literally connected to the place where I live. Met them in some visions. They are like muscular children more or less. It turned out they had a lost tradition with a hunter's lodge near centuries ago but they were forgotten so they connected to my energetic manifestations.
> a few inches tall
Those that I encountered were a little larger but yeah the small sizes are the "most stable" manifestations. There are way too many "little ones" around when I bothered to "see them". But yeah they are on an other layer and they are really trying to help me but asking them for most things is like torture. They have so minor influences over reality nowadays. This is why I usually just include them in my "spirit world ecology" and nothing more special.

> they must have been gone for a long time
They are. And because they were perceived as threat by any human since the dawn of civilization they were hunted down systematically. There is a problem with "apex predators". When they realize that they are in danger it's usually too late already.

> a forest or a lake would be most common, but they also lived in mines or near streams
Yeah usually these places are where "worldlines" function. There are too many but the "Modern world" "hides" or more akin "obsoletes" it. Like humans made "society" so they don't need to maintain them so they just "faded".

> Try astrally or by remote viewing to see the Earth now
I am seeing so many things I am taking it slow now.
Since  Trypper said he might be the muslim antichrist  and looked into it it turned out the djinn doesn't even care about these "worldlines". They have an another "skyline" system. In the middle east there is a faint but sorta "arcane" worldline system that the Magi used. I thought that is the way the djinn operate. It turns out that nope they don't even care about it they literally told me that 
> You can have that

Then some weeks later Trypper called it the "Aerial". It was that "skyline" system. It's crazy how I thought that it's like the term "star-rail" like the new gacha but not the stars just the sky only. Minor differences matter a lot with these "astral tunings".
I too am calibrating things currently because holy shit. Current humans are not "designed" to do the things I am trying to do but made sure they have the "Potential" if everything is placed in the right place. Unearthed some past life shenanigans too and I was in a sort of "daze" because of it.

> Its been having the opposite effect, it's been helping me more in a positive way
Yeah this is what I tried to say. They can even do that. Sometimes it even bothers me when these synchronicities happen. Like want to do something then a dumbass vid thumbnail just reminds me to do it already.

> i just can't give much of a shit about that or any real sperginess anymore, feels like weight has been lifted

> it's just really weird because around other humans i more or less just get called non human

Change the word "human" into "degenerate" or "retarded"

> it's just really weird because around other retards i more or less just get called non retard

I am not trying to be mean here but what people perceive as "human" nowadays usually means that being a "carefree engaging midwit".
> how dare you to not know about the "current thing" and be enraged about it??? Your weird!
For me it's not really problem because my country is not hardwired to the western propaganda machine but that doesn't mean I am free from it.  It's kinda unbelievable but what is currently happening to the west was the soviet propaganda how the west looks like all the time. "The eroding west" as they called it