> because the Germans
First I wanted to write down how the entire thing was flawed on a macropolitical scale because the Schlieffen Plan was devised before industrialism turned the manpower from "peasant demigods" into factory rats that are unable to march and fight that fast and long and the fact that nor the Prussians nor the Habsburgs were "war ready" because they lacked the experience against the constantly evolving equipment but then I realized you actually haunted or whatever you did on those battlefields while I actively avoided those "pointless wars" because I had the "both sides are fucking retarded" and I do not take part in wars which has no glory mentality. Because of that I have no real world war experiences and our perspectives might not reach the same page.

Even the wars I partook in that gave me glory enough for lifetimes gave me awful lessons about... everything. In Sparta I literally died on a battlefield because there was some "battlefield disease" that comes from unhygienic environment and untreated wounds. I didn't even understand. We were advancing and suddenly something "cramped" and I got paralyzed there. I literally died while staring at the stars and thinking how fucking awful everything was the whole time and how can I die like this from seemingly "nothing". My entire perspective and the "Propaganda" about the glorious Spartan lifestyle broke down there and I had the greatest FUCK GREECE conclusion as I drifted into the otherworld. My idolization that I had with the warrior culture ended there. Doesn't mean I became a pacifist I had way too many lessons about necessary wars and how to fight for the things I believe in but... TLDR: Never lose yourself in the process or when you die the first thing you will realize that you died long ago and the only thing that died is a lie that you used as a substitute instead of actually living. The saddest thing that can happen when you are glad that you finally died. For me it was even worse. I was ashamed of dying and even more angry for living like that. That life was so minor but that anger kinda permeated through many lives after that. It turns out that even gave me an urge to learn medicine/herbalism  and other stuff back then. I just had a memory in the last weeks about a bunch of plants and how they cure different ailments. Ofc most plants died out already or absolutely redundant nowadays but yeah. I am catching up with myself.

> Did people get dumber?
What you wrote is not wrong but this shit the fault of how Ukraine operates. In Ukraine there are 2 real classes. The oligarch "elites" and the "slaves". In that country you could buy anything with money. Weapon drugs from girls to brides whatever for quite the cheap price. If you have money the world is yours. Because of that knowing how to get money is more important than actually being smart and efficient. If there are no morals and the laws get non-existent when you have more money and money means you need to get influence asap or you get killed for having money the only life that will matter is yours and how much money that life can generate so others are willing to die for your money.
The problem is that the "slaves" know that when they got into the army they "died already" from that place you cannot go nowhere else. Thinking about survival is futile. Actually stepping on a landmine and losing a leg gives you chance that you can be out of the battlefield. Not a good thing because sure as hell there is no welfare system for you and if your family can't keep you alive you are worse than being dead. The only "smart" people that were in Ukraine were the middleclass and businessmen that instead of being part of the country wide crime organizations they either became programmers camwhores learned english and managed to become part of some megacorp that was expanding into Ukraine. Those people GTFO'd from Ukraine years ago and know how to not look back. Those that remained know how to game the system to stay away from the battlefield.