> Learning does not end with your human life presence for that persona
Yeah I know but it is more complicated for me.

> No one gained anything in this
We got rid of the Habsburgs at least.

> You know this scene?
Nope. Didn't get to that series yet

> The army did give everyone free wine
also Tobacco. That's when people got addicted to that shit on a large scale.

Grandpa always talked about people in the village who served in WW1. One was a cook so he could skip most of the action while the other was in the trenches and according to him he shot someone who had a machinegun just in time before he got shot by him. He even got a rank for that. Wonder what happened to them when the commies came. Commies didn't really like anyone who served in the war and wasn't a partizan but who knows.
Also about wine and violence... I have a long history with that...  That Garden I was in belonged to Dionysus after all 
But I just made a breakthrough yesterday and I have stuff to do tomorrow so I will not write essays about it now.

> the insignificance of their personal lives and actions
I don't want to be mean but those who survived could live of that glory for a while. They survived the Great War. It's like saying how insignificant sperm is because most will never reach the egg. I am not picking a fight here I understand what you are saying but it's always important to remember how important it was for some people. The current Ukraine war pales in comparison... while they use the same tactics holy shit.